Direct Link

We specialize in marketing for all types of businesses. Our newsletters are specifically geared towards our readers. When it comes to marketing in your area, we have you covered. We send out yearly surveys to find out what our readers are interested in. We are the Direct Link between you and your community!

Why Choose Email Marketing with us?

An email marketing campaign is a scheduled series of emails used to nurture leads and current customers to encourage engagement and increase sales. Each individual email leads to a specific call-to-action, i.e. getting users to sign up, book a call, continue reading, or add a product to their cart.

One of the biggest benefits of email marketing? Getting click-throughs to pages on your website. In fact, 45.2% of marketers listed generating web traffic as one of the primary objectives of their email marketing campaign, according to our most recent email marketing survey.

Our services are designed to help your referral traffic and drives visitors who’ve already shown an interest in your business, making it more likely that they’ll act once they get to your site.

Overall, email is an effective promotion channel for the high-value content you create on your website. It can help you drive qualified traffic to your web pages, consequently boosting conversions.

Statistics on Email Marketing

Two out of three (66 percent) of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message, according to the Direct Marketing Association.

Smartphones have exponentially increased the value of email marketing. According to Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, the average person checks their smartphone 34 times a day. And one study estimated that 64% of decision-makers read their email via mobile devices.

According to ExactTarget research, 91 percent of consumers reported checking their email at least once a day. This makes email is the most consistently used internet marketing channel available.

43.9% of marketers in our survey listed increasing brand awareness as one of the primary objectives of their email strategy. As luck would have it, brand awareness email campaigns help you solve for your readers and also establish yourself as a leader in your industry.

When you identify leads with the highest purchase intent, lead nurturing campaigns help you provide conversion-focused content that "nurtures" them toward a sale (or at least toward becoming sales-ready).

According to our survey, 57.8% of marketers listed increasing revenue as one of the main objectives of their email marketing strategy. infographic showing the top objectives for email marketing strategies.
You can also create campaigns to capture a sales conversion from leads close to purchasing decisions.

Learn more about what we do

Direct Link is about helping people make connections between businesses and their consumers. We use the most up to date information and designs in our newsletters.

If you’re not already utilizing email marketing, it is definitely something you should consider in order to reach a wider audience and strengthen your brand’s relationship with current customers.

We have an experienced sales team and graphic designers to help you make that Direct Link to your local consumers!

Contact us today to sign up! 

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